Jiaer Xia

Hong Kong Baptist University

Jiaer Xia is currently a first-year PhD student at the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University, supervised by Dr. Kaiyang Zhou.

Previously, He is a Master student of MACLab at the Xiamen University, supervised by Prof. Rongrong Ji.

He received his Bachelor's Degree of Engineering(2017-2021) from the Donghua University. He also works closely with Prof. Mingbo Zhao.

My current research mainly focuses on the Multimodal LLMs. Feel free to contact me.


3 / 2024
CycleTrans is accepted to TNNLS.
12 / 2023
Two papers, ADP and SPT, are accepted to AAAI 2024.


Attention Disturbance and Dual-Path Constraint Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
Jiaer Xia, Lei Tan, Pingyang Dai, Mingbo Zhao, Yongjian Wu, Liujuan Cao
AAAI 2024
Paper | Arxiv |
Occluded Person Re-Identification via Saliency-Guided Patch Transfer
Lei Tan, Jiaer Xia, Wenfeng Liu, Pingyang Dai, Yongjian Wu, Liujuan Cao
AAAI 2024
Paper | Arxiv |
CycleTrans: Learning Neutral yet Discriminative Features for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
Qiong Wu, Jiaer Xia, Pingyang Dai, Yiyi Zhou, Yongjian Wu, Rongrong Ji
Paper | Arxiv |

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